Upcoming Events: Climate Assembly Eire, The Next Global Strike Day and Workshops

This month, October, there are many upcoming events and workshops to get involved with. These are incredible opportunities to learn a lot of new things.

- Climate Assembly Eire:

Climate Assembly Eire is an online 2 day Youth Assembly event on climate. Young people, aged 14-25, will be brought together from across the island of Ireland to brainstorm realistic and achievable demands for our decision makers. The topics are Polluters, Youth Engagement, Education, Biodiversity and Youth Engagement. Climate Assembly Eire hopes to bring young people face to face with decision makers and ready to negotiate, communicate and get their demands into action. Day 1 will take place on the 17th of October, 2021. This will be an all day event packed with workshops, activities, and demand making. This will be followed up by a national event on the 23rd of October where TD’s, Ministers, Politicians and Youth Representatives will meet on zoom and discuss the demands created on the 17th. These demands will be related to climate action and will change Ireland for the better. The main goal of this assembly is that the demands created are followed up by Politicians and real change is made!

This is an incredible event with a limited number of spaces. You can sign up here https://linktr.ee/Climateassemblyeire. You can find more information at climateassembly.eire on Instagram or email climateassembly.eire@gmail.com.

- Global Strike Day:

On the 24th of September 2021, many young people all around the world took to the streets with their signs and megaphones for the Global Strike Day. The next Global Strike Day is planned to take place on the 22nd of October. On this day you can join local strikes all around the world. You can find these strikes on the Fridays for Future website and social media. https://fridaysforfuture.org/

- Worthwhile events and workshops:

Make sure to keep an eye out on the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) website and the Irish Second Level Student Union (ISSU) website where amazing events and workshops are constantly being organised. https://www.youth.ie/ and https://www.issu.ie/.