On this page you can find:
1. Related, Reliable Organisations and their websites to be able to get more information from.
2. Climate Action Groups and their websites that you can join.
3. A list of sustainable Irish shops and their websites that you could sustainably purchase products from.
4. Recommended podcasts to listen to, movies to watch, books to read, apps to download.
5. Key words and their definitions to understand words related to climate change.
Irish Second Level Students Union
Fridays For Future
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Extinction Rebellion
Can be found all around the World.
Creativity and Change
National Youth Council of Ireland
The Irish Environmental Network
Friends of the Earth
Students Climate Action Network
Connecting people around the World
Stop Climate Chaos
"The Kind curates beautifully designed, sustainable and ethically made goods that are both kind to you and kind to the planet. Each purchase directly supports small independent businesses and makers around the country."
"All our garments are produced in an Eco-Friendly and Sustainable manner with Fairwear & Peta certification"
"Ireland’s one stop shop website for all your custom products and branded merchandise, with eco options available."
"Ireland's One stop eco shop, organic, vegan & plastic free products."
"Ireland's leading Eco-friendly store."
"Wear the change you want to see."
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